"A compassionate community celebrating and living in Christ."
All praise and glory are yours, loving Father,
Maker and Ruler of the universe.
We praise you for calling us to be Your people,
Your beloved sons and daughters.
St Simon the Apostle, pray for us.
Guide our community as we try to follow Jesus.
Fill us with love for those in need of our help,
and open our hearts to all.
Let your Spirit teach us to serve in love
and to praise You by our work and worship.
Father of all,
We praise You through Jesus Christ our brother,
and in the forever.
Fr. Jerald Mariadas
Email: jerald.mariadas@cam.org.au
Theresa Abraham - Tue & Thu
Email: asre@stsimonsparish.com.au
Mrs Melody Wells-Jansz - Wed
Email: Melody.Wells-Jansz@cam.org.au
Mrs Liza Jansz - Tue & Wed
Email: Rowville@cam.org.au
Mrs Princy Samuel - by appointment
Email: Princy.Samuel@cam.org.au
Mr. Tom Wursthorn - Contact School Office: 9755 4222
All the Parish Team have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19