A time to contemplate, share,
and grow spiritually and personally.
Meets monthly to develop and run faith initiatives that engage our parishioners to think, reflect, and be encouraged on their faith journey, and to grow through the challenges of life. From Lenten prayer programs to Gospel Reflections, from Soup
and Soul gatherings and walking groups to seeing faith in art, the options are many. Please look out for upcoming events that might trigger your interest in finding varied ways of including our faith and relationship with God in everyday life.
At this time the team includes
Loretta Hughes,
Nimmi Candappa,
Pia Pagotto,
Phil Mawdsley,
Ricardo D'Rosario,
Corey Payton.
Please email: loretta@stsimonsparish.com.au
For Zoom Details Contact: loretta@stsimonsparish.com.au
* Baptism families * New Parishioners * School Families