Address: 2 Taylor's Lane,
Rowville, VIC. 3178
Parish Office: Tue, Wed & Fri
(10 am - 5 pm)
Telephone: (03) 9764 4058
Father in heaven,
We thank you for Fr Joel who is leaving us to take up a new mission at Nazareth Parish, Grovedale, Torquay & Anglesea.
We thank you for your dedicated service at St Simon’s, especially in the absence of Fr Jerald.
We thank you for:
* his reverence in celebrating the Eucharist; * his passion to administer the sacraments;
* his willingness to give time as our confessor;
* his prompt presence at the bedside of the sick and dying;
* his leading us in adoration on Fridays before the blessed sacrament; * his guidance for our altar servers,
* his involvement with the youth, the school, and parishioners after Mass;
Lord fill his heart and mind with good memories from his ministry at St Simon’s Parish. Grant him every grace he needs to answer Your call with courage and love in his new role as parish priest.
May he receive support and understanding as he builds confidence to shepherd your people.
May the Holy Spirit work through him with humility, compassion, and perseverance to strengthen the faith of believers, draw non-believers to Christ, and build our Church by encouraging and empowering ministries for God’s glory...
We ask Mother Mary's intercession on you her priest Fr Joel.
We make these prayers in the loving name of Jesus Christ Your Son. Amen.
Fr Joel we wish you well. God be with you.